Comparative Investigation of Differential Mood Responses among Elite, Non-Elite, and Non-Athletes in Total Lockdown


  • Maria Luisa M Guinto College of Human Kinetics, University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Desiderio IV Camitan College of Education, University of the Philippines Diliman



covid-19, pandemic, athletes, elite, collegiate, mood states, well-being


The onset of the COVID-19 global health crisis, marked by stringent restrictions on training routines and sudden cancellations of competitive events, precipitated abrupt and radical transformations within the sporting landscape. The emergency alert prompted governments worldwide to enforce various lockdown measures to curb the escalation of the viral outbreak. Recognising the potential psychological repercussions of these circumstances, a rapid assessment of mood states as well-being indicators was conducted during the initial months of the lockdown in the Philippines. A cross-sectional study using Tilly’s (1984) variation-finding approach was undertaken to distinguish mood profiles between athletes of different competitive tiers and between athletes and non-athletes. Employing the 16-item version of the Profile of Mood States (POMS-16), mood responses were collected and compared across 705 elite athletes, 1,702 non-elite athletes, and 1,246 non-athletes. Analysis of mean patterns revealed that elite athletes consistently reported greater levels of dejection/anxiety, fatigue, irritability, vigour, and overall mood disturbance than did their non-elite and non-athlete counterparts. The findings affirm the substantial disparities in mood states between athletes of different competitive tiers and between athletes and non-athletes during the pandemic. Nonetheless, despite the elevated scores for negative mood responses, vigour emerged as consistently the highest among all mood responses across all three groups. The results are discussed considering the unique characteristics of elite and non-elite athletes and the protective role of vigour in mental well-being during adversity. By acknowledging athletes' distinct psychological reactions to circumstances hindering competitive sport engagement, this study contributes to understanding how disruptive health crises could affect athletes’ well-being, potentially informing the development of targeted support programmes for athletes confronting similar challenges.


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Author Biographies

Maria Luisa M Guinto, College of Human Kinetics, University of the Philippines Diliman

Maria Luisa M. Guinto is an Associate Professor at the Department of Sports Science of the College of Human Kinetics at the University of the Philippines Diliman. Her research interests include mental health and well-being, gender and sport, spirituality, mindfulness, community resilience, and psychosocial interventions in crises and disasters. Please direct correspondence to

Desiderio IV Camitan, College of Education, University of the Philippines Diliman

Desiderio S. Camitan IV is a Senior Lecturer at the Educational Psychology Department of the University of the Philippines Diliman, where he teaches Psychological Research, Gender and Sexuality, Consultancy Psychology, Special Education, and Educational Psychology. He is completing his doctorate in Educational Psychology at the same university. Please direct correspondence to


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How to Cite

Guinto, M. L. M., & Camitan, D. I. (2024). Comparative Investigation of Differential Mood Responses among Elite, Non-Elite, and Non-Athletes in Total Lockdown. International Sports Studies, 46(1), 36–65.

