The Views, Values, and Experiences of Sport and Employability of Young Adults in a Deprived Community in the North of England


  • Dave Hembrough Sheffield Hallam University
  • Charlotte Jackson Sheffield Hallam University
  • Katharine Platts Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University
  • Hanna Leahy Sheffield Hallam University
  • Sally Fowler-Davis Anglia Ruskin University



Sport, physical activity, appreciative inquiry, community leaders, Young Adults


Young adults in deprived communities in the United Kingdom (UK) are less able to access sport and leisure activities compared to more affluent peers. Physical activity (PA) can enhance life skills and facilitate employment. This project aimed to critically explore how sport, PA and employment were perceived by community leaders and younger adults as development opportunities.  Appreciative inquiry was used to engage community leaders and young adults to reflect on their experiences living and working in a deprived community. Interviews, workshops, and community action methods were transcribed, thematically analysed, and used to share back insights with wider stakeholders. Participants were positive about their neighbourhoods but recognised significant cultural and gender barriers to achieving their goals. Community leaders and younger adults identified how their cultural and household experiences influenced the choices of community engagement. Participants identified education as important to them and their families and expressed frustration that opportunities for local sport and PA were not geared for the development of life skills and to enhance their employment opportunities. The results suggest how sport and PA infrastructure could be more strategically aligned to health, well-being, and social integration with a focus on skills development and building experiences related to employability.


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Author Biographies

Charlotte Jackson, Sheffield Hallam University

Research Assistant 

Katharine Platts, Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University

Westfield Health, Head of Research & Innovation

Hanna Leahy, Sheffield Hallam University

Research Fellow 

Sally Fowler-Davis, Anglia Ruskin University

Professor Allied health 


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How to Cite

Hembrough, D., Jackson, C., Platts, K., Leahy, H., & Fowler-Davis, S. (2024). The Views, Values, and Experiences of Sport and Employability of Young Adults in a Deprived Community in the North of England. International Sports Studies, 46(1), 66–85.

